Natures Bounty Hair Skin and Nails Review Side Effects

Yellow pills spilling onto white table to show It Works, Bonita, Futurebiotics, Rejuvicare, Vital Hair and Spring Valley hair skin nails side effects

It's possible to have an allergic reaction to hair, skin and nail supplements.

Paradigm Credit: Photo by Cathy Scola/Moment/GettyImages

Luxurious hair, glowing pare and potent nails ... what'due south not to love? That'south i reason dazzler supplements that make these promises are so popular. But before you try these products, it'south helpful to be aware of hair, skin and nails vitamins' side furnishings.

For starters, what's in pilus, peel and boom supplements? While the ingredients vary from make to brand, biotin is ane common component because of its purported ability to end a receding hairline.

That's because deficiencies in biotin (also referred to equally vitamin B7) tin can lead to hair loss and skin rashes, co-ordinate to the Linus Pauling Establish. Equally a consequence, using biotin medicine to treat a deficiency can help restore hair and skin health.

However, it's important to annotation that an August 2017 written report in ​Skin Appendage Disorders​ found that while supplements can assistance treat symptoms of biotin deficiency, there's little research to support the use of the supplement in healthy people.

And biotin isn't the only ingredient you'll detect in hair, skin and nails vitamins. Co-ordinate to July 2020 enquiry in ​Cureus​, these supplements may also contain:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Fe
  • Keratin
  • Collagen
  • Fish oil

And while information technology's possible that these supplements tin aid improve hair, peel and boom issues associated with food deficiencies, at that place's likely more than take a chance than reward, as many of these supplements aren't regulated or quality tested and can contain harmfully high doses of dissimilar nutrients, per the ​Cureus​ research.

And so earlier you shop for a supplement, consider the following ways that hair, pare and nails vitamins' side effects can influence your health.


Talk to your doctor before trying any supplement, as the FDA doesn't require these products to be proven safe or effective before they're sold, so there'southward no guarantee that whatsoever supplement you accept is safe, contains the ingredients it says it does or produces the effects information technology claims.

1. You Tin can Overdose on Nutrients

As it turns out, you can have too much of a proficient affair — just because these supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals doesn't hateful that it'due south a safe dose.

In fact, many supplements contain mega-doses of the post-obit nutrients (in this example, that means doses college than 200 percent of the recommended daily value), per the ​Cureus​ enquiry:

  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Chromium
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

What's more than, the dosing of different nutrients ranges greatly from production to product. Per the ​Cureus​ inquiry, the doses of biotin in 176 different supplements ranged from 100 to 33,333 percent of your daily value.

For example, the popular Nature's Compensation hair, pare and nails gummies contain 8,333 percent of the recommended daily value for biotin, and Olly vitamins for hair contain 10,000 percent, per the nutrition labels.

Overdosing on nutrients can lead to the following side furnishings:

  • Nerve damage
  • Gastrointestinal distress (more on that later)
  • Vasodilation, which can atomic number 82 to drop in blood pressure
  • Milk-alkali syndrome, which causes kidney injury from high levels of calcium in the body


Talk to your doc before trying a supplement to brand sure the nutrients and doses included in the product are safe for y'all.

2. They Can Cause Digestive Distress

HNS tablets side furnishings may include gastrointestinal bug.

For instance, supplements that contain loftier doses of iron — similar Nature's Bounty pilus, skin and nail pills — can lead to constipation and upset stomach, according to October 202o research in ​Dermatology Applied & Conceptual​.

three. They Tin can Crusade an Allergic Reaction

Some other potential hair, skin and nails vitamin side issue is an allergic reaction. Per the ​Dermatology Practical & Conceptual​ research, a number of ingredients in these supplements have been shown to cause allergic responses in some, including:

  • Fish collagen
  • Diindolylmethane
  • Dyes and preservatives

Allergic symptoms can include:

  • Hives
  • Skin inflammation
  • Anaphylaxis


Anaphylaxis is an farthermost allergic response where your pharynx closes upward and makes it difficult to exhale, per the Mayo Clinic. Seek medical care immediately if this happens to you lot.

four. They Can Mess With Lab Tests

Be aware that the high doses of biotin nowadays in dazzler supplements can cause incorrect lab test results.

For instance, information technology tin can lead to inaccurate results for tests that check your thyroid and heart function, according to the ​Cureus​ inquiry. This may atomic number 82 to misdiagnoses and inappropriate treatment, which can exist harmful to your health.

5. They Can Lead to Hair Loss

Yes, yous read that right — some supplements intended for pilus, skin and nail wellness may actually atomic number 82 to hair loss.

According to the ​Dermatology Applied & Conceptual​ research, taking supplements with high doses of selenium, vitamin A and vitamin East and result in hair loss for some.

Attempt Food Instead

Smiling woman shopping in the produce aisle of a grocery shop instead of buying hair full, h vit biotin or hair fact tablets due to reviews and side effects

Go nutrients to support hair, skin and nail health through whole foods rather than pop supplements similar Navakesh, Biotin Plus, Densita Hair or Dermaxe tablets.

Image Credit: Goodboy Picture Company/Due east+/GettyImages

Beauty supplements tin have their downsides. That's why your nutrition is the all-time way to get the nutrients you need to back up hair, peel and nail health — in fact, it's recommended that you get your nutrients through natural whole foods rather than a supplement (unless your doctor recommends otherwise), according to the Mayo Clinic.

Seeing as biotin is a key component of many of these tablets, here are some biotin-rich foods to include in your diet instead of taking pills:

  • Meat like beef liver, ground beefiness and pork chops
  • Fish similar canned salmon and tuna
  • Eggs
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds
  • Sweet potato
  • Spinach

According to Harvard Health Publishing, adults should aim to eat 30 micrograms of the nutrient per day.

Across biotin, eating a balanced diet can contribute to your overall wellbeing, including the health of your hair, skin and nails. Per Harvard Health Publishing, include the following foods in your diet to become the nutrients yous need:

  • A variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Legumes similar lentils, beans and peas
  • Whole grains like whole-wheat bread
  • Dairy products like milk and yogurt
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat and poultry
  • Fish


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